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Delivering simplicity + clarity on a case by case basis. 
As you browse our projects - which are as diverse as can be in location, size, client, solution, and project type - the one universal feature you will see across all is problem solved, with simplicity and clarity. Please enjoy a walk through our portfolio and feel free to contact any of our experts should you have any questions or need assistance with a solution.


electric utility + facilities


Strategic Consulting

Data Modeling + Conversion

Field Verification + Quality Control

Custom Analysis Development

campus electrical utility transformation

confidential client

the need

The university was struggling to understand where indoor/outdoor electrical infrastructure was located and how operating specific equipment would affect the campus. They had older CAD drawings that had not been maintained. They wanted to verify the drawings, attempt to locate where the equipment was with higher accuracy, and build a solution for analyzing the network to determine equipment was connected.

the solution

The university was already in the process of building a campus GIS on the Esri Platform, and thus became the target environment. We began by revising the Esri template electric utility data model based on the university’s requirements. We mapped the CAD drawings to the new data model and converted to GIS. We leveraged ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Collector and sent several subject matter experts (SMEs) from Patrick into the field with iPads to validate the CAD data and location. The SMEs walked around the campus capturing GPS locations and nameplate information for above ground assets (e.g. transformers, switch cabinets, and manholes). They recorded information about the room, floor, and nameplate for all assets located indoors. Once the data was integrated and run through quality control, a network-tracing tool was developed. The university’s engineering group utilized the network-tracing tool to analyze the impacts of outages at different campus locations.

the benefits

Updated electric facility data locations and an enriched understanding of the equipment itself (e.g. nameplate information) were integrated into a robust Esri Platform for the university to use. The engineering department now has the ability to look at a map, see where the equipment is and what type, and can put the information to use in planning and operational scenarios.

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