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electric utility



ArcGIS Online Configuration

ArcGIS Collector Setup + Management

disconnected field enablement

confidential client

the need

Field visits are required during the development of wind farms in order to inspect the area for potential issues prior to construction beginning. An easy to use data collection tool allows the field crew to save important field details.

There are a number of requirements for data collection.


  1. Many of these wind farms are remote. The ability to work disconnected from the internet is necessary.

  2. All collected data must be easily shared among many groups who are involved in the wind farm development for use in project collaboration and decision-making.

  3. The ability to easily take and manage photos and videos is a key requirement.

  4. Location must be captured when collecting data.

the solution

Patrick used Esri’s Collector for ArcGIS out-of-the box application to provide an efficient and easy-to-use field collection tool. We connected to the customers ArcGIS Online (AGOL) organization site, making it possible for staff to access and download maps before visiting the field sites. On location in the field, the user can collect the data, including photos and video, using their iOS or Android device. The field data can be uploaded back to AGOL once the user has returned to a connected environment such as their office. This has been used successfully at many wind farm sites by both the customer staff and their third party contractors.

the benefits

Using AGOL to manage and share the collected data allows all involved parties to have access, view, and comment on collected field data, including the georeferenced photos taken in the field. This improves collaboration and efficiency throughout the overall project timeline.

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